‘For one, the information industry can easily muddy
the waters of the understanding, thanks to their arsenal of weapons of mass
https://www.edocr.com/user/drdejahang02 And https://www.edocr.com/v/lj7dolm4/drdejahang02/01-JUN-My-News-PUNCH-FD-01-06-2020
Articles for Political Science, Mathematics and Productivity the Student
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PPTs in SLIDESHARE International Studies Research Degrees (MPhilPhD) PPT ..
➽➜⇢➤Mainstream Vs. Alternative Media
➜⇢➤Alternative Social Media websites V Tec-tyrant FB/TWITTER Page
➽➜⇢➤ Why Iran Won’t Be
Islamic Republic has weathered the Covid-19 storm
and is on the cusp of a US-defying manufacturing revolution
So what’s goin’ on in Iran? How did the Islamic Republic really
respond to Covid-19? How is it coping with Washington’s relentless “maximum
These questions were the subject of a long phone call I placed to
Prof. Mohammad Marandi of the University of Tehran – one of Iran’s premier,
globally recognized analysts.
As Marandi explains, “Iran after the revolution was all about
social justice. It set up a very elaborate health care network, similar to
Cuba’s, but with more funding. A large hospital network. When the coronavirus
hit, the US was even preventing Iran to get test kits. Yet the system – not the
private sector – managed. There was no full shutdown. Everything was under
control. The numbers – even contested by the West – they do hold. Iran is now
producing everything it needs, tests, face masks. None of the hospitals are
full.” https://ahtribune.com/world/north-africa-south-west-asia/iran/4270-wont-be-broken.html
By Milena Rampoldi, ProMosaik. In the following my interview with
Mohsen Abdelmoumen, a journalist focusing on matters which are very important
to me, like Yemen, Western Sahara, Palestine and who also treats matters like
human rights, even if this term as he says, is misused, ethics in journalism
and the struggle against the discrimination of people because of their ethnic
origin and religious orientation. Another important matter in this interview
concerns the importance of anti-imperialist views which must not remain
unexpressed by engaged journalists. Would like to thank Mohsen very much for
his time and precious answers. https://ahtribune.com/interview/4273-mohsen-abdelmoumen.html
➽➜⇢ Exclusive: Covid-19 may not have originated in
China, Oxford University expert believes
Coronavirus may have lain dormant across the world and emerged
when environmental conditions were right for it to thrive - rather than starting
in China, an Oxford University expert believes.
Dr Tom Jefferson, senior associate tutor at the Centre for
Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM), at Oxford, and visiting professor at Newcastle
University, argues that there is growing evidence that the virus was
elsewhere before it emerged in Asia.
Last week, Spanish virologists announced they had found traces
of the disease in samples of waste water collected in March 2019, nine months
before the coronavirus disease was seen in China. https://news.yahoo.com/covid-19-may-not-originated-143843488.html?soc_src=hl-viewer&soc_trk=fb
United Nations “Peacekeepers” Caught Running A Child Sex Ring: 2,000+
Cases of Sexual Abuse Reported
This article contains disturbing content and addresses an issue that
desperately needs to be brought to light.
Every single year, pedophilia, sexual abuse, and
sex trafficking rates increase. The International Labor Organization
estimates that there are 20.9 million human trafficking victims worldwide
and 4.5 million people trapped in forced sex trafficking around the
globe. At least 100,000 children are prostituted annually in the
U.S., adding to the $9.8 billion U.S. sex trafficking industry. https://www.collective-evolution.com/2017/04/13/united-nations-peacekeepers-caught-running-a-child-sex-ring-2000-cases-of-sexual-abuse-reported/?fbclid=IwAR0IzpPfNcIgV3IYfyQUGkE_U0KEkzMxRWL-JpdBrEItybjhz0TlGvXtlJc
⇢➤ Kimberly Todd 5 Jul at 7:53 am
Actions-Surprise! Right on cue. "The
Republican Jewish Coalition in response said in a statement: “We are horrified
by this vicious hatemongering by Black Lives Matter protesters. The Black Lives
Matter charter is filled with anti-Israel and antisemitic lies. It is deeply
disturbing, but not surprising, to hear those sentiments chanted in the streets
of Washington, DC.” "The statement called on former Vice President Joe
Biden, “as the standard bearer of the Democrat Party, to condemn these
antisemitic chants by BLM protesters.” https://www.jpost.com/bds-threat/protesters-in-black-lives-matter-march-demonstrate-against-israel-in-dc-633711?fbclid=IwAR0hDuwu1AUxtx2t-D5X_lxF5bc5yua1pZdMOHsEROg4oGxLqfUIRo3_dww
➽. JCPOA partners must solve all issues through Joint
Commission: Russian diplomat
A senior Russian diplomat says
Moscow's principled stance is to support the settlement of all issues
pertaining to the implementation of a landmark nuclear agreement between Iran
and six world powers through the deal's Joint Commission.
"The principled position of the Russian side
is that all #JCPOA implementation issues must be settled within the framework
of the Joint Commission," Mikhail Ulyanov, Permanent Representative of
Russia to International Organizations in Vienna, said in a post on
his official Twitter account on Saturday.
He called on the remaining parties to
the nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
(JCPOA), "not to lose these guidelines." https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2020/07/04/628888/Ulyanov-Iran-Russia-JCPOA-Joint-Commission
threatening 1 million people in Syria’s Hasakah due to cutting water by Turkish
Intense thirst threatens the lives of about one million people
living in and around Syria’s northeastern city of Hasakah, as Turkish troops
and allied militants continue cutting off drinking water supplies to the region
by stopping a major border pumping station, a report says.
Syria’s official news agency SANA on Monday briefly but bitterly
recounted the suffering of these people, who are in desperate need of drinking
water in hot summer days in the northeastern province of the same name.
A day earlier, Director General of Hasakah Water Company Mahmoud
al-Ukla said Turkish soldiers and militants backed by the government in Ankara
had stopped Alouk Water Station on Saturday evening and that they had barred
workers of the station from entering the facility.
Ukla sounded the alarm at the time the inhumane move was
threatening the lives of the people of the city and its surrounding residential
neighborhoods as the water station is their only source for guaranteeing the
drinking water for them. https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2020/07/06/629038/Syria-water-Hasakah
➜⇢➤ Trump’s Racism
May be Blatant, But the Culture He Defends Comes Out of the Civil War and Goes
Well Beyond Racial Division President Trump is making plain the degree to which the
country remains divided by the American Civil War. His threat to veto the
$718bn Defence Bill if it renames military bases called after Confederate generals
harks back to 1861. His stand highlights the bizarre way that the US military
has named its biggest bases, like Fort Bragg in North Carolina and Fort Hood in
Texas, after Confederate generals like Braxton Bragg and John Hood who fought a
war to destroy the US.
Critics suggest derisively that this tradition of naming
military installations after defeated enemies should mean that future bases
will include at least one named after Osama bin Laden, the founder of al-Qaeda,
and another after Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of Isis, both killed by US
soldiers. https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/07/07/trumps-racism-may-be-blatant-but-the-culture-he-defends-comes-out-of-the-civil-war-and-goes-well-beyond-racial-division/