MY NEWS PUNCH 18–03–2020
1.01 Search Students Important look what Barry says-Barry Grossman
Returning the issue of people previously presumed to have died in the US from influenza but, as acknowledged by the CDC, whose bodies were subsequently exhumed and tested positive for COVID-19, the pivotal question if course about when they actually died.
Returning the issue of people previously presumed to have died in the US from influenza but, as acknowledged by the CDC, whose bodies were subsequently exhumed and tested positive for COVID-19, the pivotal question if course about when they actually died.
On that narrow question, it is worth stressing that the legal processes involved in getting an exhumation order are extremely complicated and time consuming, especially since, on any view, there was still no national emergency at the relevant time.
Since the disclosures made by CDC Director Robert Redfield happened about a week ago, that is, in mid-March, I would be astounded if we are not “not talking” about people who in fact died in 2019, BEFORE the breakout in Wuhan took place.·
- Trump the idiot is doing on and on how he always took the Coronovirus serious which he now refers to as the China virus, yet his previous fb posts and tweets are filled with him downplaying the virus and of course his followers are just like ‘yes sir you did, God is within you’ I still maintain the US public has got to be the most ignorant ever though most times its a toss up between the UK and US

Another Good Man
Pakistan calls for lifting US sanctions on Iran to confront coronvirus
The corona Virus and all the lies US Politicians are saying and on top of that this Biden ‘CROOK’ sweeping the primaries everywhere tonight is too much… 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
COVID-19 in Iran Wednesday 03/18/2020
Relative to the day before, 147 more people died 😪 321 more people recovered. Number of new cases was a bit higher than of number of new cases of the day before.
New cases: 1192
Total: 17361
Death: 1135
Recovered: 5710
Relative to the day before, 147 more people died 😪 321 more people recovered. Number of new cases was a bit higher than of number of new cases of the day before.
New cases: 1192
Total: 17361
Death: 1135
Recovered: 5710
A Very strong point is made by Con Skordilis
‘The class character of the grand coalition’s policies could hardly be made clearer. While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy.
Major corporations in particular will benefit. While loans from the state-controlled Bank of Reconstruction (KfW) were up to now available to small and medium-sized businesses with an annual turnover of up to €500 million, this limit will now be increased to €2 billion. And in ongoing programmes for larger corporations, the limit for interest payments will be increased to €5 billion. The KfW’s assumption of risk will also be increased to 80 percent of the total loan.’
While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy. Con Skordilis
‘The class character of the grand coalition’s policies could hardly be made clearer. While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy.
While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy. Con Skordilis
‘The class character of the grand coalition’s policies could hardly be made clearer. While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy.
Major corporations in particular will benefit. While loans from the state-controlled Bank of Reconstruction (KfW) were up to now available to small and medium-sized businesses with an annual turnover of up to €500 million, this limit will now be increased to €2 billion. And in ongoing programmes for larger corporations, the limit for interest payments will be increased to €5 billion. The KfW’s assumption of risk will also be increased to 80 percent of the total loan.’
While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy.
While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy.
100% Humanity in Cuba, IR Iran- 1% Humanity in US! Devil doesn’t necessarily have horns but for some reason it is usually a lair, a cheater and a…Ex-CIA director Pompeo: ‘We lied, we cheated, we stole’ US imposes fresh sanctions on Iran amid coronavirus outbreak

100% Humanity in Cuba than 1% Humanity in US! Cuba gives permission for cruise ship carrying COVID-19 patients to dock citing solidarity and health as a human right
100% Humanity in Cuba than 1% Humanity in US! Cuba gives permission for cruise ship carrying COVID-19 patients to dock citing solidarity and health as a human right

A Very strong point is made by Con Skordilis
‘The class character of the grand coalition’s policies could hardly be made clearer. While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy.
Major corporations in particular will benefit. While loans from the state-controlled Bank of Reconstruction (KfW) were up to now available to small and medium-sized businesses with an annual turnover of up to €500 million, this limit will now be increased to €2 billion. And in ongoing programmes for larger corporations, the limit for interest payments will be increased to €5 billion. The KfW’s assumption of risk will also be increased to 80 percent of the total loan.’
While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy. Con Skordilis
‘The class character of the grand coalition’s policies could hardly be made clearer. While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy.
While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy. Con Skordilis
‘The class character of the grand coalition’s policies could hardly be made clearer. While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy.
Major corporations in particular will benefit. While loans from the state-controlled Bank of Reconstruction (KfW) were up to now available to small and medium-sized businesses with an annual turnover of up to €500 million, this limit will now be increased to €2 billion. And in ongoing programmes for larger corporations, the limit for interest payments will be increased to €5 billion. The KfW’s assumption of risk will also be increased to 80 percent of the total loan.’
While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy.
While coronavirus tests are denied and workers are compelled, in spite of an immediate threat of infection, into the factories, the state is opening the treasury without restrictions to the financial oligarchy.
PHD RESEARCH Important look what Barry says-Barry Grossman
Returning the issue of people previously presumed to have died in the US from influenza but, as acknowledged by the CDC, whose bodies were subsequently exhumed and tested positive for COVID-19, the pivotal question if course about when they actually died.
Returning the issue of people previously presumed to have died in the US from influenza but, as acknowledged by the CDC, whose bodies were subsequently exhumed and tested positive for COVID-19, the pivotal question if course about when they actually died.
On that narrow question, it is worth stressing that the legal processes involved in getting an exhumation order are extremely complicated and time consuming, especially since, on any view, there was still no national emergency at the relevant time.
Since the disclosures made by CDC Director Robert Redfield happened about a week ago, that is, in mid-March, I would be astounded if we are not “not talking” about people who in fact died in 2019, BEFORE the breakout in Wuhan took place.
33 22 200
33 22 200
What about this CNN?
The world should get rid of anything American to stop death China to expel New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post reporters
The world should get rid of anything American to stop death China to expel New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post reporters
Ayatollah Khamenei pardons, commutes prisoners’ sentences amid coronavirus outbreak Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has agreed to a request by Iran’s Judiciary Chief Ebrahim Raeisi to pardon or commute the sentences of a number of prisoners amid the outbreak of a new coronavirus in the country.
Offering his congratulations to the Leader on the upcoming Persian New Year (Nowruz) as well as a number of Islamic festivities, the Judiciary chief had written to gain his approval to pardon or reduce the sentences of the inmates eligible for mitigating circumstances, including those found guilty in courts of common pleas and Islamic Revolution tribunals, the Judicial Organization of the Armed Forces and the State Discretionary Punishment Organization.
Raeisi underlined the need to reduce the number of inmates at prison facilities as the country is currently at a critical juncture amid the global fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Farhad posted this Photo below he was notified that it is against “the community standard.” That is why FB is a called POLICE GUARD DOG, Tec- Tyrant Virus FB-V-19

Coronavirus outbreak
I’m an epidemiologist. When I heard about Britain’s ‘herd immunity’ coronavirus plan, I thought it was satire William Hanage
I’m an epidemiologist. When I heard about Britain’s ‘herd immunity’ coronavirus plan, I thought it was satire William Hanage
Tec- Tyrant FB is banning this article.
”In October 2019, the US brought 172 (really 369) military athletes to Wuhan for the World Military Games. Despite having the largest military in the world, tenfold, the US came in 35th behind nations like Iran, Finland and Slovenia. No video or photos exist of the US team, no records were kept, a huge team but a pitiful performance for the best military in the world.
”In October 2019, the US brought 172 (really 369) military athletes to Wuhan for the World Military Games. Despite having the largest military in the world, tenfold, the US came in 35th behind nations like Iran, Finland and Slovenia. No video or photos exist of the US team, no records were kept, a huge team but a pitiful performance for the best military in the world.
The US team did so badly that they were called “Soy Sauce Soldiers” by the Chinese. In fact, many never participated in any event and stayed near the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the disease is said to have originated only days after the US left the area.
The US team went home on October 28, 2019, and within 2 weeks, the first human contact cases of COVID 19 were seen in Wuhan. The Chinese have not been able to find “patient zero” and believe he was a member of the US team.
They also have sources that say the US had misrepresented influenza that Trump claims have killed thousands, influenza carried to China by the US team, influenza that was really COVID 19, a disease developed in a military bio-warfare facility in the state of Washington, now “ground zero” in the US for COVID 19.
The Chinese claim, something censored in the US, that the inattentive attitude and disproportionately below average results of American athletes in the game indicates they might have been in for other purposes and they might actually be bio-warfare operatives, and that their place of residence during their stay in Wuhan was also close to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first known cluster of cases occurred.“

Moderators @ WHALLER “pose restrictions”
I have decided to downgrade you from 10/10 3*** to 3/10 in… from April 2020.
Moderators @ WHALLER “pose restrictions”
I have decided to downgrade you from 10/10 3*** to 3/10 in… from April 2020.

➽ ➜⇢➤Mainstream Vs. Alternative Media Page 14
‘For one, the information industry can easily muddy the waters of the understanding, thanks to their arsenal of weapons of mass confusion.’
➜⇢ ➽ ➤ Coronavirus: think warmer weather will kill the outbreak? It hasn’t in Australia
Because flus and colds tend to fluctuate with the seasons, some have expressed optimism that springtime warmth could stymie the virus’ spread
But experts do not think we can bank on seeing a retreat of the new coronavirus come spring and summer in the Northern Hemisphere US President
Donald Trump and many other people have expressed optimism that the coronavirus might go away when weather warms in a similar way to the seasonal flu. But it’s summer in Australia and the average temperature is about 23 degrees Celsius (74 degrees Fahrenheit). At least 128 people there have got the coronavirus and three have died. Tom Hanks confirmed on Wednesday that he and his wife tested positive for the new coronavirus while in Australia’s Gold Coast. It’s evidence that warmer weather does not make the coronavirus disappear.
Because flus and colds tend to fluctuate with the seasons, some have expressed optimism that springtime warmth could stymie the virus’ spread
But experts do not think we can bank on seeing a retreat of the new coronavirus come spring and summer in the Northern Hemisphere US President
Donald Trump and many other people have expressed optimism that the coronavirus might go away when weather warms in a similar way to the seasonal flu. But it’s summer in Australia and the average temperature is about 23 degrees Celsius (74 degrees Fahrenheit). At least 128 people there have got the coronavirus and three have died. Tom Hanks confirmed on Wednesday that he and his wife tested positive for the new coronavirus while in Australia’s Gold Coast. It’s evidence that warmer weather does not make the coronavirus disappear.
➜⇢ ➽ ➤ China / Science As coronavirus becomes pandemic, scientists ask if lines on the map hold the key to contagion’s spread
Studies suggest that ‘hotspots’ for virus that causes Covid-19 are found between the 30 to 50 degree lines of latitude north-Temperature and humidity data might allow scientists to forecast the ‘next’ Wuha
The coronavirus pandemic that has infected more than 125,000 people around the world is concentrated in a “corridor” across the northern hemisphere, researchers said, as more studies focused on how temperature and humidity could be used to predict the spread of the contagion. Despite worries that Southeast Asia may become a coronavirus hotspot after central China (where the Covid-19 outbreak started) because of their proximity and travel connections to the infection’s epicentre, more countries and regions like South Korea, Japan, Iran, northern Italy and the northwestern United States may have to bear the heaviest burden. “The establishment of community transmission has occurred in a consistent east-and-west pattern. The new [regional] epicentres of the virus were all roughly along the 30–50 degree [lines of latitude] north zone,” according to a team of US and Iranian researchers. Their work, made public this week on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) and pending review by peer experts, said that common temperature and humidity factors in these locations may allow epidemiologists to anticipate where virus cases may become focused.
Studies suggest that ‘hotspots’ for virus that causes Covid-19 are found between the 30 to 50 degree lines of latitude north-Temperature and humidity data might allow scientists to forecast the ‘next’ Wuha
The coronavirus pandemic that has infected more than 125,000 people around the world is concentrated in a “corridor” across the northern hemisphere, researchers said, as more studies focused on how temperature and humidity could be used to predict the spread of the contagion. Despite worries that Southeast Asia may become a coronavirus hotspot after central China (where the Covid-19 outbreak started) because of their proximity and travel connections to the infection’s epicentre, more countries and regions like South Korea, Japan, Iran, northern Italy and the northwestern United States may have to bear the heaviest burden. “The establishment of community transmission has occurred in a consistent east-and-west pattern. The new [regional] epicentres of the virus were all roughly along the 30–50 degree [lines of latitude] north zone,” according to a team of US and Iranian researchers. Their work, made public this week on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) and pending review by peer experts, said that common temperature and humidity factors in these locations may allow epidemiologists to anticipate where virus cases may become focused.
➜⇢ ➽ ➤ Just imagine if this was happing in Iran
Prisoners Made to Produce Coronavirus Masks and Hand Gels New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Monday that his state would also be using prison labor to produce 100,000 gallons of hand sanitizer for schools, prisons, transportation systems, and other government agencies. Prisoners are being used to produce face masks and hand gels in the United States, and Hong Kong after the rapidly spreading coronavirus provoked shortages. he women have complained about their health and low pay as they earn around HK$800 (US$102) a month for non-stop production; significantly under Hong Kong’s minimum wage of HK$37.50 (US$5) per hour.
About 1,200 retired or off-duty prison officers are also working to shore up the supplies for the masks.
The COVID-19 coronavirus has infected more than 114,000 people across the globe, and over 4,000 have died since it emerged three months ago in China, blowing up the demand for face masks even as health officials have said healthy people do not need them.
New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Monday that his state would also be using prison labor to produce 100,000 gallons of hand sanitizer for schools, prisons, transportation systems, and other government agencies.
Prisoners Made to Produce Coronavirus Masks and Hand Gels New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Monday that his state would also be using prison labor to produce 100,000 gallons of hand sanitizer for schools, prisons, transportation systems, and other government agencies. Prisoners are being used to produce face masks and hand gels in the United States, and Hong Kong after the rapidly spreading coronavirus provoked shortages. he women have complained about their health and low pay as they earn around HK$800 (US$102) a month for non-stop production; significantly under Hong Kong’s minimum wage of HK$37.50 (US$5) per hour.
About 1,200 retired or off-duty prison officers are also working to shore up the supplies for the masks.
The COVID-19 coronavirus has infected more than 114,000 people across the globe, and over 4,000 have died since it emerged three months ago in China, blowing up the demand for face masks even as health officials have said healthy people do not need them.
New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Monday that his state would also be using prison labor to produce 100,000 gallons of hand sanitizer for schools, prisons, transportation systems, and other government agencies.
➜⇢ ➽ ➤ Leaked Chats Show Collab Between Brazilian Prosecutors, DOJ The leaked material sheds new light on the fact that the 2016 parliamentary coup against Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff benefitted then to U.S. corporations following a massive wave of privatizations in Brazil by her unlawful successor Michel Temer.
The Car Wash prosecutors in Brazil seem to have been collaborating with the U.S. Department of Justice, going against Brazilian law and international treaties, according to leaked documents analyzed by The Intercept and the Brazilian investigative outlet Agência Pública released on Thursday.
RELATED: Brazil: Military Club Summons Members for Acts Against Congress
The conversations between Brazilian prosecutors — not direct discussions with U.S. officials = show that “the Brazilians were extremely accommodating to their U.S. partners, going out of their way to facilitate their involvement,” reported the Intercept.
“The chats published today show that prosecutors on the Car Wash team intentionally ignored procedures outlined in Brazilian law and a bilateral treaty agreement with the U.S., apparently to keep the executive branch of the Brazilian government — then led by Lula’s successor and ally, Dilma Rousseff — in the dark about their activities. They also appear to have misrepresented their potentially illegal actions to superiors and the Justice Ministry of Brazil.”
The Car Wash prosecutors in Brazil seem to have been collaborating with the U.S. Department of Justice, going against Brazilian law and international treaties, according to leaked documents analyzed by The Intercept and the Brazilian investigative outlet Agência Pública released on Thursday.
RELATED: Brazil: Military Club Summons Members for Acts Against Congress
The conversations between Brazilian prosecutors — not direct discussions with U.S. officials = show that “the Brazilians were extremely accommodating to their U.S. partners, going out of their way to facilitate their involvement,” reported the Intercept.
“The chats published today show that prosecutors on the Car Wash team intentionally ignored procedures outlined in Brazilian law and a bilateral treaty agreement with the U.S., apparently to keep the executive branch of the Brazilian government — then led by Lula’s successor and ally, Dilma Rousseff — in the dark about their activities. They also appear to have misrepresented their potentially illegal actions to superiors and the Justice Ministry of Brazil.”
➜⇢ ➽ ➤ Inequality in a Globalized World Makes Pandemics and Financial Crises Inevitable
Whether you’re invested in the stock market or not, you’ve likely noticed that it’s been on a roller coaster lately. The White House and most of the D.C. Beltway crowd tend to equate the performance of the stock market with that of the broader economy. To President Trump’s extreme chagrin, $3.18 trillion in stock market value vaporized during the last week of February. Stock markets around the world also fell dramatically. When all was said and done, $6 trillion had been at least temporarily erased from them. It was the worst week for the markets since the financial crisis of 2008 and it would only get worse from there. In the wake of that, the Federal Reserve kicked into gear. By the first week of March, after high-level coordination among the Group of Seven (G-7) countries and their financial elites, the Fed acted as it largely had since the financial crisis, but with more intensity, giving the markets a brief shot in the arm. In a move that Wall Street and the White House had clamored for, the Fed cut the level of interest rates by half a percentage point. The markets reacted by doing exactly the opposite of what the Fed hoped and, after having briefly soared, the Dow then tanked nearly 1,000 points that day. The next day, it rose 1,173 points (also partially attributed to Wall Street’s embrace of Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday results), only to plunge again soon after. Then, this Monday, within a few minutes of opening, the markets dropped more than 7%, triggering a halt in trading.
Whether you’re invested in the stock market or not, you’ve likely noticed that it’s been on a roller coaster lately. The White House and most of the D.C. Beltway crowd tend to equate the performance of the stock market with that of the broader economy. To President Trump’s extreme chagrin, $3.18 trillion in stock market value vaporized during the last week of February. Stock markets around the world also fell dramatically. When all was said and done, $6 trillion had been at least temporarily erased from them. It was the worst week for the markets since the financial crisis of 2008 and it would only get worse from there. In the wake of that, the Federal Reserve kicked into gear. By the first week of March, after high-level coordination among the Group of Seven (G-7) countries and their financial elites, the Fed acted as it largely had since the financial crisis, but with more intensity, giving the markets a brief shot in the arm. In a move that Wall Street and the White House had clamored for, the Fed cut the level of interest rates by half a percentage point. The markets reacted by doing exactly the opposite of what the Fed hoped and, after having briefly soared, the Dow then tanked nearly 1,000 points that day. The next day, it rose 1,173 points (also partially attributed to Wall Street’s embrace of Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday results), only to plunge again soon after. Then, this Monday, within a few minutes of opening, the markets dropped more than 7%, triggering a halt in trading.
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