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Political Science, Mathematics and Productivity the Student Room BSc, MSc & PhD Project Mangers etc
PPTs in SLIDESHARE International Studies Research Degrees (MPhilPhD)
PPTs in SLIDESHARE International Studies Research Degrees (MPhilPhD)
Corporate Media Is Owned by Few Billionaires They
Lie to You Wake Up.
Vast majority in the
Middle East knows (We Exclude Wahabi KSA and Takfiri and US Puppets,
BNP/MKO/Fascist/Racist,... ), what majority of western audiences like Trump
supporters, Conservative UK or racist European don't, because of cultivated stupidity... I
don’t blame people in the west but
corporate media like BBC-CNN-FOX NEWS, FR 24, ITV/CH 4-SKY-EURO NEWS, ITV- that those murdered by Trump's expeditionary forces in the
last few days, were those most responsible for the destruction of the Bolton/
Saudi-inspired terrorists like ISIS / DAESH/.......
Also in Click on Social Websites of mine >60
Josh Sigurdson
@JoshSigurdson • 2h
Check this out and share!
BREAKING NEWS: Josh Sigurdson reports on Iran striking U.S. on bases in
Iraq! ➽➜R⇢➤=RESEARCH ➽=ALL
Facebook Tyrant
I saw a post about remembering the US shoot down of the
Iranian airliner (Iran Air Flight 655) in 1988, and Facebook had a flag warning
that it was "fake news" MOUTHPIECE OF Pentagon
Facebook is a protector and preserver
of the propaganda classifying IR Iran as a dangerous terrorist organization.
But FB knows well, that USA is the biggest terrorist country in the world. USA
invades other countries just to own their natural resources and to place them
in the hands of American corporations. Facebook doesn't call that terrorism.
They call it democracy. Leave FB
FB is marking this as "partly
false information, checked by independent fact checkers" and then linking
to some Spanish language fact checking site named "Observador" which
ranks the post at the upper end of their "deceiver" scale based on
the site's analysis asserting that the US in reality apologised, while ignoring
the fact that all military personnel involved were decorated for their actions
in taking down the plane.
The site, by the way, contains almost no information about
where it is bases, how it is funded, or other information which relates to its
own credibility. Conclusion: Partly false
The information in this post is a mix
of true and false statements or it could simply be incomplete. In some cases,
the information is misleading.
Signing order to fire 100+ cruise missiles
into Syria without UNSC mandate was Trumps first undisputable war crime, so is
stealing oil from Iraq another war crime?
US Uses False Flag Op to
Legitimize Bombing Iraq, Syria In warfare, the False
Flag is a ruse, used to legitimize the abandonment of military rules of
engagement. Its name derives from ancient cheaters in nautical warfare. The
Nazi Reichstag fire and the US Gulf of Tonkin are two infamous
examples of false flags. The US has used false flag cover for yet another round
of bombings.
On Friday, 27 December, one or more
rockets were fired at an Iraqi base in Kirkuk, which hosts “Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR) coalition
forces,” reportedly killing one “U.S. citizen [contractor] and [which
reportedly] injured four U.S. service members and two members of the Iraqi
Security Forces (ISF).” Though not even ISIS claimed responsibility, the US
declared the Iraqi Hezb Allah group and Iran’s Quds Forces — because of
“linkage” –culpable.”
The US has continuously said
blatantly earlier that it doesn’t want any Iraqi forces near the borders with
Syria, in a clear signal to allow ISIS to resurface in that
vital Tehran – Baghdad – Damascus Highway.
Just to be clear, when it comes to
the Ukraine Air tragedy, the "fat lady" hasn't even begun to sing.
The fact that Iran quickly admitted inadvertently shooting down the
flight and apologised without qualification, in no way implies that the event
was not orchestrated by dark elements working hand and hand with the US
Security Apparatus.
A number of things are starting to come to light, including US jamming
operations which seem to have affected Iranian communications at
a critical time, as well as a carefully planned and curiously timed
operation to fly numerous F-35s through Iranian airspace, apparently calculated
to make Iran's defense forces think that a US attack was imminent and therefore
trigger an armed response.
The fact that the ill fated
airliner's transponder was apparently completely destroyed and its departure
from the filed flight plan are both matters which were well within the
capabilities of hostile forces to engineer.
That US officials have been somewhat understanding and uncritical when
it comes to the tragedy, apparently opting instead to politicise, even
weaponize it through their proxies and the press, is also revealing.
Investigations are ongoing and time may very well present a very
different picture than the one painted by the selected facts most people are
being encouraged to embrace.
Comments favour V against Iran
Jet Disaster Setup The 19-second video published by the New York Times last week
showing the moment an Iranian missile hit a passenger jet has prompted much
social media skepticism.
Questions arise about the improbable
timing and circumstances of recording the precise moment when the plane was
newspaper ran the splash story on January 9, the day after a Ukrainian airliner
was brought down near Tehran. It was headlined: ‘Video Shows Ukrainian Plane Being
Hit Over Iran’. All 176 people onboard were killed. Two days later, the Iranian
military admitted that one of its air defense units had fired at the plane in
the mistaken belief that it was an incoming enemy cruise missile.
“A smoking gun” was how NY Times’
journalist Christiaan Triebert described the video in a tweet. Triebert works in the visual investigations
team at the paper. In the same tweet, he thanked – “a very big shout out” – to
an Iranian national by the name of Nariman Gharib “who provided it [the video]
to the NY Times, and the videographer, who would like to remain anonymous”.
➽➜R⇢7/12➤=RESEARCH ➽=ALL
The West Is Run by BarbariansHow much longer are we accepting the tyrannical dictate of the American
rulers? It gets worse by the day – and it looks like the western world’s
“leaders” (sic – so sic!) are caving in ever more to the American killing
machine – the European Union – and all its members heads of state, and all the
Zion-Anglosaxons and Japan – no one dares standing up and shouting “NO!” – no
more of your hegemonic atrocities! – But they all bend over backwards to please
a criminal empire, run like the Barbarians.
Imagine, the so-called world leader invites you to a
foreign country to help mediate between different factions, you accept, and
when you arrive at the airport, he kills you. Then he smiles and boasts in
utter satisfaction that he has given the order to kill – kill by remote
control, by drone. Much worse than extra-judiciary murder, because there was
never any accusation launched against you – except for lies.
Yes, it was genocide American
Thanksgiving: A Pure Glorification of Racist Barbarity “The
Thanksgiving story is an absolution of the Pilgrims, whose brutal quest for
absolute power in the New World is made to seem both religiously motivated and
eminently human…. The Mayflower’s cultural heirs are programmed to find glory
in their own depravity, and savagery in their most helpless victims, who can
only redeem themselves by accepting the inherent goodness of white Americans.”
This article was originally
published on November 27, 2003, when Glen Ford was co-publisher of The Black
➽➜R⇢7/14➤=RESEARCH ➽=ALL
Turkey to recognize killing of Native Americans
as ‘genocide’Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says
Ankara will proceed to recognize the killing of millions of indigenous
Americans as “genocide” in response to a recent move by the United States
government to define the massacre of Armenians by the former
Ottoman Empire as such.
The US Senate unanimously voted in favor of recognizing as “genocide”
the mass killing of Armenians during World War One in the early 20th
Speaking on the
official Haber news channel on Monday, Erdogan said Turkey “should oppose [the
US] by reciprocating such decisions in parliament. And that is what we will do.”
Is it possible
that one of the F35s that were flying in Iranian airspace at the pivotal moment
used the airliner as a shield, intentionally try to attract defensive fire at
the plane or not?. Based on similar
18 Sep 2018 - The
aircraft vanished after Israeli jets put it into the path of Syrian air ... out strikes on Syria, but an Israeli military official
recently said it had hit ... Furthermore, the Syrian air defences should have known the Russian plane was ...
➽➜R⇢14/14➤=RESEARCH ➽=ALL
A Russian military
site has
addressed the issue of “human error” relating to the crash of Ukraine’s Boeing
737 [departing from Tehran] on January 8, minutes after takeoff, which resulted
in the death of 179 passengers and members of the crew.
Relying on
military experts, the report intimates that the incident bears a canny (point
by point) resemblance to the destruction of a Russian IL-20 in Latakia, Syria
in September 2018.
~ This...
PETER KOENIG: How much longer are we
accepting the tyrannical dictate of the American rulers? It gets worse by the
day – and it looks like the western world’s “leaders” (sic – so sic!) are
caving in ever more to the American killing machine – the European Union – and
all its members heads of state, and all the Zion-Anglosaxons and Japan – no one
dares standing up and shouting “NO!” – no more of your hegemonic atrocities! –
But they all bend over backwards to please a criminal empire, run like the Barbarians.
Shouldn’t there come the moment when the majority of UN member states – call for a vote to expulse the US from the UN – and start from scratch – with a new revamped, UN that would act according to its original charter seeking and mediating for peace
Shouldn’t there come the moment when the majority of UN member states – call for a vote to expulse the US from the UN – and start from scratch – with a new revamped, UN that would act according to its original charter seeking and mediating for peace
25 Conspiracy
Theories That Turned Out to Be TrueIt
may sound crazy—especially when you're talking about investigations into flying
saucers, nefarious government programs, and ultra-secret, fire-lit gatherings
of the world's richest men—but not every conspiracy theory ever uttered is
something to scoff at. In fact, many of them have turned out to be completely
true. For proof, grab your tin-foil hat and read on, because here we've
gathered all of the wildest conspiracy theories that have turned out to be 100
percent rooted in fact.
Trump's plan to seize Iraq's oil: 'It's not
stealing, we're reimbursing ourselves' One of the recurring themes of Donald Trump’s national
security strategy is his plan to “take the oil” in Iraq and from areas
controlled by Islamic
State (Isis)
extremists. It would drain Isis’s coffers and reimburse the US for the costs of
its military commitments in the Middle East, the candidate insists.
In asking people to believe that vast
swaths of humanity hate the US because of its commitment to "liberty,
equality, justice, and democracy for all", we are expected to embrace what
is perhaps the most absurd conspiracy theory of all time.
Yet this raison d'etre for US military interventions is so widely
presumed to be accurate that the vast majority of people who embrace it lack
all capacity to recognise that it is a "conspiracy theory and fail to ask
themselves how, if the US is indeed committed to those principles, could
so many people globally detest the US establishment.
In fact it the basic premise is so
absurd, that they had to back it up with several others which explain this
incoherent babble by misrepresenting Muslims, Socialists, Russians, Asians,
Latinos, and assorted other demographics as being inherently hateful, violent
or criminal by nature.
The mind boggles that so many people and pretty much all of the western
establishment, embrace this idiocy, while still having the temerity to claim
they are opposed to bigotry and racism.
Trump: Saudi paid $1bn to increase number of US
troops in regionUS President Donald Trump said that he made Saudi Arabia pay the
US for the increased presence of American service personnel in the region as a
result of the regional tensions.
In an interview with the American TV channel Fox News, Trump said: “Saudi Arabia is
paying us for [our troops]. We have a very good relationship with Saudi
“I said,
listen, you’re a very rich country. You want more troops? I’m going to send
them to you, but you’ve got to pay us. They’re paying us. They’ve already
deposited $1 billion in the bank.”
For anyone who had any doubt about whether Trump
is a racist or not read the article below
Batool says-Batool
Dyl Regrading
welfare, rape and so on... what majority of western audiences i.e. Trump's
supporters, Conservative racist, fascist UK or European far right...don't
understand, because of cultivated stupidity... and because of BBC-CNN-FOX NEWS,
FR 24, ITV/CH 4-SKY-EURO NEWS, ITV ..tell them non stop lies. Give you an
example, as I deal with rape victims. In African-American neighbourhoods it is
mainly black man..., in white areas it is mainly white man.. but in UK all the
blame goes to Muslim Pakistani. Yes in Pakistani neighbourhood it is mainly
Pakistani it is all political to win election to start war, to
privatise and make good big money by lying and.. President Donald Trump was apparently unaware that not all—in
fact, the vast majority—of welfare beneficiaries are not black as recently as
last March, according to a new report.
In the spring of 2017, the
newly elected president met with members of the Congressional Black Caucus.
During that meeting, one of the members mentioned to Trump that welfare reform
would be detrimental to her constituents— adding, "Not all of whom are
black," according to NBC News.
The president was incredulous. "Really? Then what are they?"
Statistically speaking, they were probably white.
THERORIST read and judge for your self
Was Journalist Jen Moore
Killed After Contacting Authorities About Bill Clinton? Conspiracy blogs
cited vague "preliminary reports" to suggest that Jen Moore could
have been part of the "Clinton body count."
The death of
Jen Moore in Maryland in August 2018 reignited conspiracy bloggers’ claims of a
long-running and far-ranging plot to kill
off critics of Bill and Hillary Clinton, with suggestions that the
“investigative journalist’s” recent death was a suspicious one that coincided
with her providing criminal allegations about Bill Clinton to federal
Corbyn described the assassination to Sky News as “a provocative act,
which has made the whole world a much more dangerous place.”
Speaking to
Sky News, Corbyn insisted that whether Soleimani was a terrorist or not was
“not the point” and that instead, one should focus on the fact that the
assassination was “an illegal act that took place” and “if we want to end
illegal acts by anybody, you don’t commit them yourself.”
How to Talk to Your Kids
About the Situation With IranOn
Jan. 3, the U.S. military carried out a drone attack in Iraq. The attack killed
Qasem Soleimani, a top military leader from Iran. The action comes after
increased tensions between the U.S. and Iran, and has fueled anxiety about what
might happen as a result. The situation is dominating the news, and children
who hear about it are likely to have lots of questions.
15 hrs ·
~ MSM Media Selective Empathy ~ Distracts with
Slight of Hand Tactics ~
corporate media in the United States has been fixated on events in Iran, specifically
the recent admission from Iran that Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752
was accidentally shot down by its military, other equally—if not more
important—news has largely been ignored or glossed over during the growing tit
for tat conflict between the two countries.
important events include:
The U.S. state department’s Friday statement that
the U.S. military will stay in Iraq indefinitely despite being told by Iraq’s
government to leave.
anti-Macron Yellow Vests protests continued in France for the sixty-first
consecutive week.
disturbing fact that a U.S. drone strike reportedly killed around 60 civilians
on Wednesday.
According to
Tolo New, a drone strike targeting Mullah Nangyalai, a top commander in the
Taliban, killed him along with around 60 civilians in the Shindand district of
Herat, Afghanistan.
Locals have
called the attack that involved four armed drones a mistake, despite officials
from Afghanistan’s Ministry of Defense reporting that the strike was
coordinated between U.S. forces and the Defense Ministry.
Pentagon’s confirmation of the attack was published in the U.S. military
publication Stars & Stripes in an article titled Airstrike in western
Afghanistan kills leader of Taliban splinter group, may have killed civilians.
Unsurprisingly, the article does not confirm civilian deaths. Instead the
article appears to gloss over them quickly, saying the strike “may have killed
several civilians."
~ * AJ
Nelson * ~ January 12, 2020~ US DRONE STRIKE REPORTEDLY KILLS 60
16 hrs ·
Weather Modifcation Technology is OLD
Application Not always Benign
EWR (EnvirowatchRangitikei) Cloud seeding is a well known tech & is
employed all over the world according to a BBC documentary (see video excerpt
below). This is going on in 47 countries, including Australia, involving 150
programs ‘as we speak’ says the commentary.
The US military also used it as weather warfare during the war against
Vietnam, known as Operation Popeye. Australia was in fact the first
to trial cloud seeding back in 1947. They’ve been covertly studying it
ever since, government and private business interests modifying weather to suit
their own interests.
So ask yourself, why are they not
using it to stop these fires?
Why have they not used it to prevent drought?
Australian Max Igan gave us the answer to these questions not so long
ago. Have a listen & see the other related videos on his channel. Hear his
exposé on where the water has really gone from the Darling River. See why there
is a drought, it’s not as you think & it’s not what mainstream is telling
*~ January 04, 2020 * ~ * Pam Vernon * ~
For anyone who
had any doubt about whether Trump is a racist and a big bully or not read the
article below
Weld says
Trump wants reporters to 'roam free' in Iran, but not US The “one bit of good news” amid mixed claims on intelligence
over the recent U.S. drone strike against Iran is President Trump’s call for reporters to be able to “roam free” in
Iran, Trump’s Republican challenger Bill
Weld said Sunday.
“The one bit of good news today is we
know that he wants reporters to roam free in Iran,” Trump said on CNN’s
“Reliable Sources,” referencing the president’s Sunday morning tweet. “The only
problem is he doesn’t want them to roam free in the U.S., because he says to us
a free press is the ‘enemy of the people’,” Weld, the former governor of
Massachusetts, added, noting Trump’s repeated attack on the media.
Re-Emerging in the Syrian Desert with the US Help The main fear of the United
States of America in the region is the connection between Iran and Syria
through Iraq. It’ll create a strong economic and civilized bloc that would threaten
the satellite protectorates existing to serve the US’s hegemonic policies in
exchange for the protection it offers them.
The US hegemonic policies are definitely not in the
interest of the US people, rather the junta in control of the US through the politician puppets.
Months after losing territory it controlled and the
killing of its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ISIS terrorists are carrying out sporadic attacks
targeting Syrian army convoys in an attempt to disrupt his movement.
Messianic nut-case Iran gambit backfires, payback begins
The recent events orchestrated by the
U.S. government in Iran have backfired in a major way and the repercussions
have only just begun, multiple sources agree. The worst result has been
to force the British and the rest of the Anglo-Saxon world away from their alliance
with the U.S. under its current administration, MI6 sources say.
“Whatever happened should never have happened, and the Western powers need to
vacate the Muslim world and contain Israel,” the sources say.
Even the Israelis are waking up to
the dangers of the Evangelical Christian nut jobs they created, Mossad sources
summary of the Iran shoot down of Ukranian jet
This report has changed a lot as new info has come in. The info is complete enough so it
likely won't change again. Here is what happened:Two minutes after take off,
the transponder, communications, and lights on the aircraft were shut off,
obviously via remote. It flew in this hacked configuration for approximately 4
minutes and 30 seconds before, in error, Iranian ground forces mistook it for a
cruise missile and shot it down, with Iran's top nuclear physicists aboard. The
plane was sent out during a no fly order to get the most important people (and
their families) out of Iran before a war broke out, which Iran was
expecting.The only question in this story now is who interfered with
communications between the airport, the military, and the pilots, who went dark
for a considerable length of time before the missiles were launched.
Approximately 1 minute after the first missile was launched, a second one was
launched though the first one probably would have downed the plane despite it
not being on fire. Eight minutes after take off, it crashed.
My guess is Israel is the one that
hacked the plane and shut the transponder, lights and radios off to force it to
fly completely dark, the way a cruise missile would. They are the only ones
As corrupt as Ukraine is, Iran SHOULD
NOT turn over the black boxes until they have at least copied what is on the
cockpit voice recorder. If whatever is reported to have come off that voice
recorder does not mimic what I just said above, the wrong people will have
"analyzed it", you know, like how accurately American votes get
This site occasionally gets messed with
to prevent updates from showing. If the page has not updated for a while,
open a new private window (not just a new tab, open a private window to turn
off your cache) or if that does not work delete your cache entirely and
then click
Jan 13-14-2020 The date is not always updated, when it
gets updated all depends on when I can get into the top part of the site to
update it.
➽➜R⇢114/7➤=RESEARCH ➽=ALL
6000+/- (a convolutional neural network (cNN)
based approach is presented: Image
Crowd Counting Using Convolutional Neural Network and Markov Random Field)
V 7 million/ Hundreds of thousands packed the streets of the Iranian capital
Tehran for the funeral of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani. crash: Iranian
protesters call for Supreme Leader to resign
‘Our enemy is here’: Iran protesters demand that leaders quit after
plane downed
Public anger boiled up following days of denials by
the military that it was to blame for the crash
January 13, 2020 at 2:49 am | Published in: Asia & Americas, Europe & Russia, Iran, Middle East, News, UK, Ukraine, US, Videos & Photo Stories
Despotic Shah’s army in USA V George
Galloway exposing Hegemonic powers
Los Angeles' Iranian
community cheers anti-regime protests over downing of Ukrainian plane
V Western intervention in Iran, Syria and
Venezuala | George Galloway
"Boris Johnson has warned
his cabinet that it is “time for the slaughtering of sacred cows” as he vowed
to cull the pet projects of his predecessors ... Ministers were ordered
yesterday to go through their spending line by line and send the Treasury
suggestions for projects that could be cut or abandoned entirely.
prime minister said that they should push ahead with the cuts even though some
officials would “squeal” and others would behave “like a tiger protecting its
cubs”. The time had come for “tough decisions”, he said."
➽➜R⇢➤=RESEARCH ➽=ALLUS Defence Secretary Mark Esper on Sunday said he did not see
specific evidence from intelligence officials that Iran was planning to attack
four US embassies, an assertion made by President Donald Trump in justifying
the killing of Iran's top general. While Esper said he agreed with Trump that
additional attacks against US embassies were likely, he said on CBS's
"Face the Nation" that Trump's remarks to Fox News were not based on
specific evidence on an attack on four embassies.
➽➜R⇢➤=RESEARCH ➽=ALLPentagon chief says no specific evidence Iran was plotting to attack
four U.S. embassies
(Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Sunday said he did not see
specific evidence from intelligence officials that Iran was planning to attack
four U.S. embassies, an assertion made by President Donald Trump in justifying
the killing of Iran’s top general.
Democracy Now!Like
New details are emerging about how
the shadowy data firm Cambridge Analytica worked to manipulate voters across
the globe, from the 2016 election in the United States to the Brexit
campaign in Britain and elections in over 60 other countries, including
Malaysia, Kenya and Brazil. A new trove of internal Cambridge Analytica
documents and emails are being posted on Twitter detailing the company’s operations,
including its work with President Trump’s former national security adviser John
Bolton. The documents come from Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Brittany
Kaiser, who spoke with Democracy Now! in her first major interview since the
Droning the
World: The Assassination Complex From Bush to Obama to Trump
The entire system is blatantly corrupt beyond
comprehension. CBS News Analyst Pushing for Military Strike on Iran is Being Paid by
Well, not exactly like
that, but in a way, yes. Now, finally, ‘the gloves are off’. The U.S. is openly
threatening the historically timid ICC (International Criminal Court) and its
judges. And unexpectedly, the ICC is hitting back. It refuses to shut up, to
kneel, and to beg for mercy.Suddenly, even the Western mass media outlets
cannot conceal the aggressive mafia-style outbursts of the U.S. government
officials. On March 15, Reuters reported:“The United States
will withdraw or deny visas to any International Criminal Court personnel
investigating possible war crimes by U.S. forces or allies in Afghanistan,
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Friday.The court, which sits in The
Hague, responded that it was an independent and impartial institution and would
continue to do its work “undeterred” by Washington’s actions.
Televangelist Acton Bowen Sentenced To 1,008 Years For Sexually Abusing
Justice: Popular Alabama televangelist Acton Bowen
is sentenced to 1,008 years, the maximum penalty allowed, after pleading guilty to 28 charges of raping and sexually
assaulting multiple children.In addition to the 1,008 year sentence, Bowen was
also ordered to pay $840,000 in fines. Before his arrest in 2018, Bowen
was the host of xlroads TV, a global broadcast reaching millions every
Leaf Foods CEO blasts Trump over Canadian deaths in Iran plane crash
It was a surprising and unprecedented statement by the CEO of
Maple Leaf FoodsAs Canada mourns the loss of 63 fellow citizens caught in the
cross-fire of the Trump’s war with Iran, the CEO of Maple Leaf Foods Michael McCain
took to Twitter to issue his own statement about the tragedy. The
unprecedentedly candid statement from a Canadian CEO appears to have been a
response to being personally affected. One of McCain’s colleagues lost his wife
and 11-year-old child, both of whom were on Ukraine Flight 752.
McCain laid the blame for the deaths of Canadians squarely at
the feet of Trump, arguing the deaths were precipitated by Trump’s
“irresponsible, dangerous, ill-conceived” decision to attack Iran in an attempt
to “divert focus from political woes.”
As of this writing, the Tweet has been shared 2,600 times.
McCain’s full statement can be found below:
New report reveals details of US assassination of
Iran's Gen. Soleimani, exposes Israel's role New report reveals details of US
assassination of Iran's Gen. Soleimani, exposes Israel's role
Caitlin JOHNSTONE: “The government which runs a
globe-spanning empire led by a reality TV host keeps talking about the lack of
normality in the nation of Iran.” Caitlin JOHNSTONE
The government which runs a
globe-spanning empire led by a reality TV host keeps talking about the lack of
normality in the nation of Iran.“What we want all countries to join in,” said State Department Spokesperson
Morgan Ortagus in a recent Fox News interview, “is to help us not only to
de-escalate any tensions with Iran, but to help us bring Iran to a place where
they are ready to stop their terrorist and malign behavior, and where they are
ready to discuss with the United States, with Europe, with everyone, about how
they can change their behavior to act like a normal nation.”“We want Iran to
simply behave like a normal nation,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a press statement the other
day. “We believe that the sanctions we imposed today further that strategic
This president sees too many Back to the
Increasingly Likely Trump Just Made Up the 'Imminent Threat' Posed by Soleimani
New reporting reveals the president
conditionally approved the Iranian general's assassination seven months ago.
Donald Trump’s rant against
Iran is the howl of a dying empireDonald
Trump does not strut the world stage as Augustus triumphant. On Wednesday he
might have commanded that “Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon
… we will never let that happen”. But as he slurred at his autocue, he conveyed
only ritualised abuse of Iran and pleas to Nato for help, a Nato he once
majestically derided. I sensed we were seeing the US’s days as world hegemon
dribbling away. Even Trump’s Republican ally Mike Lee called the Iran briefing “the worst briefing I’ve seen – at least on a
military issue – in my nine years” in the Senate.
2017 Donald
Trump's hotel in Azerbaijan linked with corruption, Iran's Revolutionary GuardAn unopened Trump hotel in Azerbaijan has
been linked to corrupt officials who support the Iran's Islamic
Revolutionary Guard Corps, reports Adam Davidson in a New Yorker piece.
'Designed by clowns and supervised by
monkeys': Senate investigation into Boeing air disasters reveals what employees
thought of 737-MAXNewly released internal emails from Boeing Co.
paint a disturbing picture of its 737 Max program, with employees bragging
about fooling FAA regulators and ridiculing its safety.The emails were part
of more than 100 pages of documents sent Thursday by Boeing to House and
Senate committees that have been investigating the aircraft maker in the wake
of two crashes in 2018 and 2019 that killed a combined 346 people. The 737 Max
family has been grounded for nearly a year, with no return date yet.The emails
were also made public, in three batches: here, here and here."This
airplane is designed by clowns who in turn are supervised by monkeys,"
read one email.Some messages detail problems with the development of Boeing's
737 Max simulator and suggest the planes got FAA approval under false
"I still haven't been forgiven by God for the covering up I did last year," one of the employees says in a 2018 email, apparently referring to interactions with the Federal Aviation Administration."Would you put your family on a Max simulator trained aircraft? I wouldn't," one employee emailed a colleague. "No," the co-worker responded.
"I still haven't been forgiven by God for the covering up I did last year," one of the employees says in a 2018 email, apparently referring to interactions with the Federal Aviation Administration."Would you put your family on a Max simulator trained aircraft? I wouldn't," one employee emailed a colleague. "No," the co-worker responded.
Iranian Missile Operator Tricked Into Shooting Down The Ukrainian Airlines
Plane Over Tehran?he Iranian
confession that their military shot down the Ukraine International Airlines
plane near Tehran is the end of the matter as far as international diplomacy
and the media is concerned. The official story then about what happened is
this:It's 2am on January 8th 2020 and our guy is sitting in a Tor-M1
air-defense missile system about 10kms north-west of Imam Khomeini
international airport, west of Tehran.
General Soleimani had been buried the day before, and in the last half-hour or so a couple dozen Iranian ballistic missiles had been fired from western Iran at two US bases in Iraq.The entire Iranian military is on alert and stress levels are particularly high. There's been a lot of chatter about a likely US response to the Iranian missiles and our guy is one of several teams positioned around Tehran tasked with shooting down anything on his radar screen that fits the profile. But as the hours pass without incident, he starts to doubt he'll see any action - at least, not tonight.By 6am the only thing he can report having seen on his radar screen are each of the 9 scheduled flights that departed the nearby airport that night. He watched them take normal flight paths off the northwest runway, climb into the clear night sky and then veer north or northeast. Since the Tor-M1 system he is operating is fitted with IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) functionality, he could even see their call signs. The second-to-last one was Qatar Airways Flight QR8408 heading for Hong Kong.
General Soleimani had been buried the day before, and in the last half-hour or so a couple dozen Iranian ballistic missiles had been fired from western Iran at two US bases in Iraq.The entire Iranian military is on alert and stress levels are particularly high. There's been a lot of chatter about a likely US response to the Iranian missiles and our guy is one of several teams positioned around Tehran tasked with shooting down anything on his radar screen that fits the profile. But as the hours pass without incident, he starts to doubt he'll see any action - at least, not tonight.By 6am the only thing he can report having seen on his radar screen are each of the 9 scheduled flights that departed the nearby airport that night. He watched them take normal flight paths off the northwest runway, climb into the clear night sky and then veer north or northeast. Since the Tor-M1 system he is operating is fitted with IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) functionality, he could even see their call signs. The second-to-last one was Qatar Airways Flight QR8408 heading for Hong Kong.
Danish Troops Testify To Greater
Damages At US Base in Iraq, As Well As To NATO’s Lack of Readiness
15 mins ·
I'm not particularly
convinced of the ICC's neutrality when it comes to even consider prosecuting
western or Israeli officials. However it gives me some satisfaction that
Israeli officials are getting worried that they may be held to account.Members of the Diplomatic-Security Cabinet are
said to be “profoundly concerned” that the International Criminal Court and may
issue secret arrest warrants for Israeli officials it considers suspects as it
will launch a war crimes investigation against Israel, within the next 90
Paul Apollonio Trump
was conned into this assassination. There would have been NO ONE in the entire
country whose assassination would create unification and martyr status more
than this man, Solemani.
Mossad pointed it out because the OWNER, Rothschild, wants us to fight the war with Iran so he can control their resources just like he controls ours, the UK, France, Germany and most of the countries on the face of the planet.
Isn't it funny, every war has one thing in common and the media THEY own never point it out? I wonder why....
Mossad pointed it out because the OWNER, Rothschild, wants us to fight the war with Iran so he can control their resources just like he controls ours, the UK, France, Germany and most of the countries on the face of the planet.
Isn't it funny, every war has one thing in common and the media THEY own never point it out? I wonder why....
and established sources at Iraqi Prime minister Adel Abdel Mahdi’s office in
Baghdad believe “the US is unwilling to listen to reason, to the Iraqi
government or the parliament. It has the intention of bringing war upon itself
and transforming Iraq into a battlefield, by refusing to respect the law and
withdraw its forces. The US will be faced with strong and legitimate popular
armed resistance, even if some Iraqis (in Kurdistan) will break the law and
will accept the US presence in their region, though without a heavy
6 hrs ·
The Times report makes clear that,
far from being a spur-of-the-minute decision by Trump, the murder of Suleimani
had broad support within the executive branch and the intelligence agencies,
which had planned this crime for the past 18 months. The account implicates
former National Security Adviser John Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
and CIA Director Gina Haspel in advocating and plotting the murder.
The Times report presents a picture of a criminal state, in which the
most flagrant violations of the law are treated as routine. It is a testament
to the degree to which US foreign policy has been criminalized after nearly two
decades of the “war on terror.”
This noramlization of illegality
extends to the press. The tone of the Times report is that of an adventure
story. There is not a hint of a critcial attitude toward the flagrantly
criminal character of the actions it describes. The word "legal," or
any variant of it, simply does not appear in the body of the text.
The article makes clear that the Trump administration’s motives for
murdering Suleimani had nothing to do with a supposedly “imminent” threat, as
claimed by White House officials. Rather, the United States wanted to retaliate
against Suleimani for a series of US policy setbacks for which the American
state held him responsible.
The assassination of Qassem Suleimani
and the criminalization of US state policy
13 January 2020
On Sunday, the New York
Times published a detailed account, based on high-level sources within
the US government, of the Trump administration’s decision to murder Iranian
Gen. Qassem Suleimani on January 3, 2020.
The Times report
makes clear that, far from being a spur-of-the-minute decision by Trump, the
murder of Suleimani had broad support within the executive branch and the
intelligence agencies, which had planned this crime for the past 18 months. The
account implicates former National Security Adviser John Bolton, Secretary of
State Mike Pompeo and CIA Director Gina Haspel in advocating and plotting the
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