➜⇢ ➽ ➤ Lawyer Complains of Prison Treatment of WikiLeaks’ Assange LONDON — A lawyer for Julian Assange complained Tuesday that the WikiLeaks founder was handcuffed 11 times, stripped naked twice and had court papers taken away on the first day of a hearing on his extradition to the United States.
Attorney Edward Fitzgerald told a judge that the treatment of Assange at London’s Belmarsh Prison “could be a contempt of this court.” The extradition hearing opened on Monday at Woolwich Crown Court, which is located next to the prison.
District Judge Vanessa Baraitser, who is hearing the case, said she had no power to act unless Assange became unable to participate in the proceedings, which are expected to last several months. https://www.voanews.com/press-freedom/lawyer-complains-prison-treatment-wikileaks-assange
➜⇢ ➽ ➤ Stefania Maurizi: Julian Assange ‘Paying Price’ for Exposing WAR CRIMES+TORTURE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgqWSyuEBTA&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3MrhhxGuZ01R5tjY2WDBYHrCEzeKwqcU62IJl2woIXI5Bai3tze9C3g-E
The Guardian newspaper has taken the art of obfuscation, false implication and the subtler forms of journalistic lying to new heights in its very extensive coverage of the Roger Stone sentencing saga. It has now devoted fourteen articles in the last fortnight to this rather obscure episode of American political history. Yet in not one of those articles — nor in more than a dozen articles about the Stone case that preceded it over the last few months — has the Guardian informed its readers what Stone was actually convicted of doing.
Stone was convicted of giving false testimony and misleading the FBI, because he claimed to be a conduit between Wikileaks and Trump when he was not. There was no conduit between Wikileaks and Trump. Stone was also convicted of witness intimidation, because once his fantasies got him into trouble he tried to browbeat my friend Randy Credico into backing up his tale. https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2020/02/seeing-through-the-lies-us-edition/?fbclid=IwAR2sjX_NXvU598xWoUm324TZZ8M_3cqoEacW4mlT7rLZCPwHenkhj2O9FHk
➜⇢ ➽ ➤ How Saudi Arabia Infiltrated Twitter
“Proactive and reactively we will delete evil my brother.”
Ali Alzabarah was panicked. His heart raced as he drove home from Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters in the early evening on Dec. 2, 2015. He needed to leave the country — quickly.
Earlier that day, Twitter’s management accused the unassuming 32-year-old of accessing thousands of user profiles without authorization to pass their identifying information — including phone numbers and IP addresses — reportedly to Bader al-Asaker, the head of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s charity and private office. When the conversation concluded, management seized Alzabarah’s laptop, put him on administrative leave, and escorted him out of the building. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/alexkantrowitz/how-saudi-arabia-infiltrated-twitter
➜⇢ ➽ ➤ Syria Stands As A Mega-Embarrassment For America
For a long time, America has tried to ignore and distance itself from its role in making Syria the disaster it is today. Syria stands as a mega-embarrassment that shines a spotlight on America’s failed foreign policy. To say President Obama blew it is an understatement. His inexperience took us down a rabbit hole with each turn revealing more ugliness than the one before. Both Obama and Trump pledged to reduce America’s role in Afghanistan and Iraq but it has proven easier said than done, it has also had massive far-reaching ramifications.
By reassuring and almost encouraging the people of Syria to rise up and overthrow their brutal leader Obama started a series of events that has taken countless lives and destroyed millions of others. Three of the most damaging developments flowing from this are the development of ISIS, the flow of millions of refugees into Europe, and the bombing and destruction of cities and innocent civilians. Continued violence in the region over the last decade has spurred the destabilizing mass migration of millions of people from the area. https://iranian.com/2020/02/24/syria-stands-as-a-mega-embarrassment-for-america/
➜⇢ ➽ ➤ H/T Behrad Nakhai The CIA Insider’s Guide to the Iran Crisis: From CIA Coup to the Brink of War
A new book by Gareth Porter and former CIA
official John Kiriakou called “The CIA Insider’s Guide to the Iran Crisis: From CIA Coup to the Brink of War”. Just published this month, it
provides a history of U.S. policy toward Iran, that departs from the accepted narrative, starting with the overthrow of Mossadegh and ending with the Trump administration’s moves to deprive the Islamic Republic of any oil exports whatever and the Pompeo-Bolton efforts to create an artificial atmosphere of crisis in 2019 and 2020 over what was presented as an Iranian threat to attack U.S. personnel in the region. The book covers events through October 2019 and thus provides essential background to the Soleimani assassination and the January 2020 crisis.
official John Kiriakou called “The CIA Insider’s Guide to the Iran Crisis: From CIA Coup to the Brink of War”. Just published this month, it
provides a history of U.S. policy toward Iran, that departs from the accepted narrative, starting with the overthrow of Mossadegh and ending with the Trump administration’s moves to deprive the Islamic Republic of any oil exports whatever and the Pompeo-Bolton efforts to create an artificial atmosphere of crisis in 2019 and 2020 over what was presented as an Iranian threat to attack U.S. personnel in the region. The book covers events through October 2019 and thus provides essential background to the Soleimani assassination and the January 2020 crisis.
The unique contributions of the book include a documented account of how and why Iran has relied on missiles in the hands of regional allies as a substitute for a conventional ballistic missile force that Iranian leaders viewed as early as 1999 and have continued to view ever since as inadequate for the deterrence of Israel and the United States. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1510756094/ref=cm_sw_r_fm_apa_i_ZOuvEb2G3F7BR?fbclid=IwAR0XWBxvWc3ljkuQbxXhliCbbXs3WOE3GwkNoPRC01ENSM7lnQCFQoRk-KM
➜⇢ ➽ ➤ The Pentagon promises to use artificial intelligence for Evil, not Good The military has its eye on artificial intelligence solutions to everything from data analysis to surveillance, maintenance and medical care, but before the Defense Department moves full steam ahead into an AI future, they’re laying out some ethical principles to live by.
Defense Secretary Mark Esper signed off on five guidelines in a memo released Monday,
“The United States, together with our allies and partners, must accelerate the adoption of AI and lead in its national security applications to maintain our strategic position, prevail on future battlefields, and safeguard the rules-based international order,” said Esper wrote. “AI technology will change much about the battlefield of the future, but nothing will change America’s steadfast commitment to responsible and lawful behavior.”
➜⇢ ➽ ➤ $1,737,000,000,000 gone, just like that. Coronavirus wipes out $1.7 trillion in US stock market value in two days G
CNN and 60 Minutes host Anderson Cooper, who red-baited Bernie Sanders over old comments praising Fidel Castro’s literacy program, worked in CIA headquarters for two summers.
By Ben Norton
Anderson Cooper sits at the heights of the US corporate media. A host of his own program on CNN and a correspondent for 60 Minutes, he may be one of the most powerful people working in journalism.
On February 24, 60 Minutes produced a report criticizing Bernie Sanders for comments he made in the 1980s tepidly praising social programs run by the revolutionary leftist governments in Cuba and Nicaragua.
The 60 Minutes feature was hosted by Anderson Cooper, who pressured Sanders to denounce Fidel Castro and stressed, “There’s a lot of dissidents imprisoned in Cuba.” https://thegrayzone.com/2020/02/25/vanderbilt-anderson-cooper-cia-college/?fbclid=IwAR21CCkWNbxknBl5WiItMY21ebUxJ-98YPlv25-bFwZXgsaDU4EhLHubm0w
➜⇢ ➽ ➤ Child Sexual Abuse By Powerful Westminster Figures Covered Up For Decades, Inquiry Finds
MPs were protected from prosecution in “a consistent pattern of failures to put the welfare of children above political status” — but inquiry finds no evidence of an organised paedophile ring. By Kate Forrester MPs who sexually abused children were protected from prosecution and their crimes covered up for decades, an explosive report has found.
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, commissioned to examine whether Westminster “turned a blind eye” to allegations of paedophilia, ruled political institutions had “failed significantly”.
But crucially the inquiry found no evidence of an organised paedophile ring, or that party whips had deliberately suppressed information about child sex abuse.
“It is clear that there have been significant failures by Westminster institutions in their dealing with, and confrontation of, allegations of child sexual abuse,” wrote the authors of the report. “This has included not recognising it, turning a blind eye to it, actively shielding and protecting perpetrators, and covering up allegations of child sexual abuse.” https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/westminster-sexual-abuse-child-inquiry_uk_5e54f90fc5b6ad3de383f4ed?ncid=other_facebook_eucluwzme5k&utm_campaign=share_facebook&fbclid=IwAR2csW-sIcRasr9MSyfsX0YfzpP1tBP1QKdZUpMWdViGUVmHkRg7C534V6s&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZmFjZWJvb2suY29tLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIYVxHlUeJt1vqkXkySFu0Junbi-ofDBRJNUGal5Ge_1H3yTnKcitAVt9OqKOJzmr8oidBpiKS8SXViC1vdNjqjUCTV-MAHc8zPpen5tlhJ9RxEnMmomNfLLE7xNYiFjK5ZYXmIxQ3tR4qIfXGLZlrX8sn6GfqqMX9yLD7ml4y8f
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